Friday, June 5, 2009

Noah Smith sends -

I love you all and send my condolences. I have considered you all family since we first met years ago in Susanville and mourn with you as if you were my own. Doogie always brought a fun happy spirit to every room he entered. One memory that always comes to mind is one winter when Doog put studded tires on his truck, Phil Smith, Brandon Ellena, and I tied a rope onto his hitch and rode on a lounge chair cushion on the ice along the road to Eagle Lake at 30 mph. That was sooo fun. That was just one of the crazy fun times we had together back in school. Doogie will always have a place in my heart and it’s a comfort to know that he is in a good place and that we have the gospel that gives us the knowledge that we will all see him again.


1 comment:

  1. oh Noah, that story makes me smile, laugh and cry. We all had so much fun with Doogie in Susanville. He was so dang captivating and funny. Thanks for sharing
